Dr. Xu researches political discourse across digital platforms, focusing on how such discourse is spread through networked digital infrastructure and the impact of ideologies. He employs computational models to identify key players, influential spheres, and prominent topics in online political conversations. His work aims to foster a global public sphere that is open, vibrant, and robust, capable of countering the threats of democratic backsliding and authoritarianism.
I write a Substack called Opensource Soul Project https://opensourcesoul.substack.com/
I built this site to share open-source content created in my research and teaching. You will find interactive tutorials on using R to collect, analyze, and visualize social media data, copies to my recent publications, and a repository for past data visualization projects. Please note that I no longer provide updates to the data science courses I teach through this website. If you are interested in taking my data science courses, please reach out to me directly.
PhD in Communication, 2015
MA in Media Studies, 2011