
I am broadly interested in researching three Ds on internet platforms, that is, discord, distrust, and dishonesty. This entails the study of disinformation/misinformation, polarization, and propaganda. I use computational methods to track the networked diffusion and mobilization of ideas and people on digital platforms.

Most of my works are conducted in the context of the internet in the US. As a Chinese-born scholar, I have also taken a keen interest in observing the evolution of the Chinese digital society.

**For a complete list of publications, visit my Google Scholar page

Current projects

  • Counterpublics on social media formed by political fringe groups
  • Moral framing in global disinformation flows
  • How authoritarian governments nudge citizens in internet governance
  • Coronavirus discourse on Twitter: see visualizations

In compliance with the copyright law, I am showing only pre-prints hosted by ScholarWorks@UMass Amherst since 2017. For a complete list of publications, visit my Google Scholar page or ResearchGate

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