social media

Collect Twitter user info

This post is a static and abbreviated version of this interactive tutorial on using R for social data analytics. Collecting user information? That sounds creepy! Not at all. We will conduct the data collection in strict compliance with Twitter’s developer terms. In fact, just like the rate limits imposed on collecting tweets, Twitter makes it very limited as to what kind of user profile data are available through its API.

Collect Twitter user timeline

This post is a static and abbreviated version of this interactive tutorial on using R for social data analytics. What is the rate limit for collecting timeline data According to this Twitter API document, you can get up to 3,200 of a user’s most recent tweets. Scrapping tweets from someone’s timeline is as easy as running the code below. We will get the recent 200 tweets from Elizabeth Warren, a Senator of Massachusetts (@SenWarren).

Collect tweets by keywords/hashtags

This post is a static and abbreviated version of this interactive tutorial on using R for social data analytics. Collect tweets by keywords/hashtags What Twitter Data are Available? From the previous (post)[], you have learned that in order to collect data from Twitter API, you must obtain permission, namely. You probably have also noticed that it is not possible to collect as many tweets as you would like to because Twitter imposes rate limit on each API call.

Connecting to the Twitter API

This post is a static and abbreviated version of this interactive tutorial on using R for social data analytics. What is Twitter API? API (Application Programming Interface) is a marketplace of data. Twitter makes some of its data publically available and free of access. To obtain the data, you must register a client app and complete the authentification process. Here you will learn how to connect to the Twitter API with pre-obtained credentials: consumer key, consumer secret, access token, and access secret.

Understand R Libraries/Packages

This post is a static and abbreviated version of this interactive tutorial on using R for social data analytics. What is a library/package? Think of R as an operating system (e.g., iOS, Windows) and a library/package as an app running on the system. Each library is designed to accomplish specific tasks. For example, the library ggplot2–which is a library we will use throughout the semester–is for visualizing data, and the library rtweet is used for collecting Twitter data.

Finding Social Media Accounts, Automatically, for A List of Organizations.

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A Quick and Easy Way to Measure Public and Media Attention

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Automating the Google search for the web presence of 8000+ organizations

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Does Stakeholder Engagement Pay Off on Social Media? A Social Capital Perspective

Nonprofits use social media to pursue a broad range of mission-related outcomes. Given the centrality of user connections and social networks on these sites, attaining these outcomes is contingent on first generating a stock of online social capital …

Sentiment, richness, authority, and relevance model of information sharing during social Crises—the case of# MH370 tweets

The study introduces a model of crisis information sharing based on Twitter discussions of the missing Malaysian Airlines Flight 370. Grounded in the Elaboration Likelihood Model, the study tests four salient factors: Sentiment, Richness, Authority, …